Wednesday, February 12, 2025

I Am Back (And My Latest Read)

It has been eight years since my last post. My bad. However, I'm returning and will be starting a YouTube channel, respectfully answering questions I have accumulated over the years from skeptics.

I will also post more in this blog but with one caveat: My observations may not represent the churches and denomination I serve. These are my observations and mine alone.

Be patient. I am now a cancer survivor, still taking medicine, as well as the pastor of two churches. My ministry to my family, the two churches I serve, and my denomination take top priority.

This is going to be a wild ride.

Some years ago, at a book sale, I discovered a book by Dr. Clyde W. Meadows, a genuine hero in the Church of the United Brethren in Christ. I had the privilege of knowing and talking with him until his passing on September 9th, 1999, at 98.

He was a truly remarkable man, a man of many talents, and his biography is listed here and here. His biography, In the Service of the King, is regrettably out of print but is well worth searching used bookstores and websites for a copy.

However, the book I am referring to was published by Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company in 1962. It is not mentioned in the annals of United Brethren History, and I am fortunate to have a copy.

A collection of 12 sermons, it is a masterpiece of Arminian/Wesleyan theology. With a Foreword written on May 1st, 1940, the chapter titles are:

  1. Why We Choose Christ
  2. The Unspeakable Gift
  3. The Cross of Christ
  4. The Certainties of Paul
  5. God's Word in Your Heart
  6. The Voice of Human Need
  7. Lead On, O Christ
  8. Nearer My God to Thee
  9. Thanksgiving in the Heart
  10. Christ's Call to Christian Service
  11. The Call to World-Wide Missionary Service
  12. A God That Cares
The chapters follow a logical progression, starting with the reality of salvation through the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross, moving through the Biblical truth of the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives through the process of sanctification, and ending with God's call on our lives concerning service to Him. 

It is a brilliant work from a brilliant mind and a man I knew to be humble and a true disciple of Jesus Christ.

My only disagreement with this magnificent work is that he proudly relates his knowledge of two men who go onto the mission field, leaving wives and, in one case, children behind. In the first example, the wife is sickly.

And the examples are not short-term mission trips but career commitments.

Needless to say, I was horrified. I am a former missionary who worked with Radio HCJB in Quito, Ecuador, for three years and had the immense privilege of being a 10-day short-term missionary in Japan. I have seen the results of divided missionary families.

But, pastor, you may say, does not Jesus Himself say, “If anyone comes to Me, and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be My disciple. (Luke 14:26 LSB) and Dr. Meadows quotes this well-known verse.

First, the verse does not talk about missionary service but the decision to follow Christ. In this verse, Jesus speaks of those who use the excuse not to become a believer because of parents or family.

Secondly, in Aramaic, there is no word for "like." To "hate" something is to have it come in second place.

The two men Dr. Meadows equates as heroes are guilty of disobeying another Biblical mandate: "But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever." (1 Timothy 5:8 LSB) 

We worship Yahweh, not Moloch.

Because of my observations on the mission field, the churches I serve, and myself personally, do not support missionaries who:
  • Abandon spouses and children, and
  • Send their children to boarding schools while they minister.
Other than that, Dr. Meadows has written a brilliant work. Aside from my one concern, if you can find a used copy, snap it up. It's worthwhile reading.

Saturday, December 23, 2017

7 Signs You Are a Counterfeit Christian Article Writer

Just read an article entitled 7 Signs You Are a Counterfeit Christian.

Counterfeit? Not immature or misguided, but "you have no idea who Jesus is and are not saved"-type counterfeit?

7 Signs You Are a Counterfeit Christian Article Writer
  1. Clickbait titles that do not advance the Kingdom of God. 
  2. Writing a hellfire and brimstone article from the position you're perfect.
  3. Articles written without humility or grace. 
  4. Articles written without a sub-molecular particle of mercy. Even Jesus wept over the hardheartedness of Jerusalem. (Luke 19)
  5. Writing a Christian article and not providing even one Bible quotation to back up your points.
  6. Demanding cultural change without understanding the psychology of how to facilitate change other than to insist people do it.
  7. Passing yourself off as an expert when your bio only states: "He loves black coffee and doing stuff outside like golf and running."
(Note: I refuse to link to the article as I do not want to give the author any Internet traffic revenue.)

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Joseph and Mary Were Refugees? Really?

Recently I came across a graphic that made an interesting statement:

Interesting and assuredly complete and total nonsense.

If you read the accounts of the birth of Christ, the only people present the evening of the birth were Mary, Joseph, and the shepherds. They were all Jewish people.

None of them were refugees.
And everyone was on his way to register for the census, each to his own city. Joseph also went up from Galilee, from the city of Nazareth, to Judea, to the city of David which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and family of David... (Luke 2:3-4)
Mary and Joseph were not refugees. Joseph was simply returning to his hometown, nothing more.

But, you ask, what of the magi? They were Arabs!

Good question and an accurate observation.

They showed up two years later. They were not present at the manger even though they are portrayed as present at any traditional creche scene.

Therefore, here is a more accurate version of the graphic:

“Ah, yes,” you say, “but what about their flight to Egypt?”

The reality is that Egypt was part of the Roman Empire and the Holy Family did not need special permission to move to a country that was under Rome. Also, Egypt already had a sizable Jewish population.

Don’t get me wrong. The refugee problem in the United States needs to be dealt with legally and humanely. I confess, I have no solution.

But don’t alter a religious story in order to emotionally manipulate people. I would hope that most people are above that.

Friday, July 1, 2016

Society of Evangelical Arminians

I have been blessed to be a member for the last two years. You can learn more about them by visiting their website here.

I know that many of my readers are Calvinist/Reformed and though I admit disagreement, it is very respectful and I recognize you as a brother/sister in Christ "if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation. For the Scripture says, “Whoever believes in Him will not be disappointed.” For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, abounding in riches for all who call on Him; for “Whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved.”

However, should any of you feel led to change my mind, please read this first and affirm that you have done so. With due respect, that is a requirement for discussion on this matter.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Let's Talk About Psychological Triggers

Recently I've read quite a bit about psychological triggers such as students at a college being traumatized by somebody writing positive Trump statements in chalk on sidewalks. I read an essay about a woman experiencing trauma from watching the cartoon show, Animaniacs, and how it should be removed from the air completely.

Though I acknowledge the reality of psychological triggers for those who suffer PTSD, the concept has now been carried to ridiculous lengths and I find myself in an unusual position that I never asked for.

I just love my Keurig® coffeemaker.

On my doctor visit, I will most likely get a Tetanus vaccine booster.

 I agree with the American College of Pediatricians that certain sexual addictions are inherently self-defeating and even self-destructive.

In November, if the final selection is between Clinton and Trump, I will most likely hold my nose and vote for Trump.

In Christian thought I am Arminian-Wesleyan, I have no problem with old earth creationism, I play table top role playing games (and haven't been demonized once), I enjoyed the Harry Potter movies, (and haven't been demonized once), I only use the New American Standard Bible translation, I don't think 9/11 was an inside job, and I think it's a national shame that most Americans only speak one language.

Now a question for those who are currently offended by any of these statements.

Why did you give me this power and authority over you? Seriously, is the problem with me, or most reasonably, with you that you are so sensitive to disagreement that the writing of one person makes your gut and jaw tighten and you wish there was some way you could shut me up or you are barely resisting a troll attack in the comments section?

I never asked for this power and yet, some of you have freely bestowed it upon me as if I asked for it.

Maybe you need to get off the Internet for awhile and remember what real life is.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Let Us Now Praise Noble Men: Pastor Chris Little

Since the advent of the New Year, a number of celebrity deaths have filled the news: Natalie Cole, Alan Rickman, David Bowie, Patty Duke, Merle Haggard, and just yesterday, Prince. I am not negating the importance of those deaths. I agree with a quote I found some years ago that was attributed to Theodore Roosevelt: "All death is a tragedy, for if it is not then life has become one."

However, last Tuesday evening, a fellow pastor in the denomination I serve passed away unexpectedly while working in his garden, and his death has affected me more than all the celebrities who have passed away since New Year's Day.

I have known Pastor Chris Little since 1996 when he took the helm of Associate Pastor at Mt. Pleasant United Brethren Church (Chambersburg, Pennsylvania). In 2001, he became the church's senior pastor, and I would often meet him at denominational events. We were never close friends, but only because we moved in different pastoral circles, but he was a man I liked and respected because of his numerous talents and gifts, and we would always greet each other with a handshake and a smile.

My impression of Chris was that of a talented administrator who had the guts and fortitude to serve a church of 300 members. Being seminary trained, he knew the Bible intimately, and there was no doubt he also knew the Author. You can read Chris' obituary here and an affectionate tribute to him here. You will soon be aware that this was a man who was not passive in the face of life but lived it deliberately and with purpose. I'm also not surprised that Chris died in his garden as gardens play such an essential role in Judeo-Christianity as places where God meets with people.

As a Christ follower and a pastor, people believe I have all the answers. I don't. The 'why" of things I've never been able to fully grasp, only promises God put in His Word of His own free will that he would make all things right. Why an effective pastor with such impressive skills would be taken is beyond my comprehension. Chris was a young 51 and, to me, seemed to be in wonderful health. He was blessed with a great family, and his wife was an entrepreneur running The Sweet Shop in Eagle's Mere, Pennsylvania, on top of his pastoral responsibilities.

In all that life, we face the fact that family, friends, and a congregation are still mourning and grieving, with questions that will remain unanswered on this side of glory.

So we honor Chris's life, cherish our memories, and commit our own lives to an understanding that, as regards life on Earth, there is no promise of tomorrow. But for we who follow Christ, we cling to a promise that stands in the face of all the why questions we have: